Verizon Cheaper Plans Coming on January 18

verizonphonewallet.jpgUnnamed sources have leaked the changes to Verizon Wireless plans and price cuts with cheaper unlimited plans.

Boy Genius reported that beginning Jan. 18, Verizon will offer $69.99 unlimited voice plan for individual customers and an
$89.99 unlimited voice and texting plan. The unlimited voice plan is
currently $99.99 for individuals, and the unlimited voice and text plan
is currently $139.99.

National offer 468x60/>
Unlimited data plans will remain at $29.99 per
month. There will also be changes to family plans.

Editor's Note: Verizon officially announced the details today which we posted.

As we noted in previous articles Verizon is very competitive and heavily promotes it products and services including offering Free Droid Eris, BlackBerry smartphones and netbooks with new smartphones.