No Mo' Yahoo on T-Mo: T-Mobile Phones Googled - BACKFLIP Yahooed


There's been a lot news lately regarding what search is being pushed on mobile phones.  he first news was that the Motorola BACKFLIP coming out today on AT&T has Yahoo! mobile search.

T-Mobile USA replaced Yahoo with Google for its default search engine on T-Mobile phones such as their RIM BlackBerry widget. This could be the continuation of the alliance forged between the Google and T-Mobile for the release of the Nexus One, the first Google-branded Android phone.

Bing made a deal with Verizon to be their primary mobile search
provider. Of course, you could always type in the search engine you
want in your phones mobile browser which can be tricky while using
hands for other things...

Because of the how hard it is search on mobile phones it is nice to have a mobile search engine easy to access. So far, the easiest for us has been using voice search on Android phones. The voice search is especially handy in the parking lot of Best Buy checking for reviews of computers.

Yesterday, in the middle of the Fry's notebook computer section, a voice search came in very handy.