When soccer moms are at the game or empowered female executive between meetings, don't have to give up Oprah.
Oprah Winfrey has gone mobile. Oprah fans can interact with her through Oprah
apps for iPhone, BlackBerry,
Pre and Android .The O-apps help users keep
with Oprah's tweets and find TV stations with air-times.
The app description says that Oprah Mobile users can, "Find helpful advice on spirit, health, beauty, cooking, money, decorating and relationships."
Oprah Mobile app users can view video clips and previews from
Oprah Winfrey Show." They can also vote in polls, listen to audio,
read articles and see galleries and highlights
Oprah.com, O, The Oprah Magazine and Oprah Radio.
For the first time, fans of "The Oprah
Winfrey Show" now can be alerted to log on to Oprah.com when show
tickets become available for the 25th and final season.
The mobile website at m.oprah.com, has links to articles. You can also
sign the pledge to make your car a No
Phone Zone and not use the Oprah Mobile while driving.
For more information on how to download and purchase Oprah Mobile
smartphone devices, visit oprah.com/mobile. All fans can view
highlights of Oprah Mobile at m.oprah.com.
The Oprah iPhone, Android or Palm Pre app costs $1.99. The Oprah BlackBerry apps on BlackBerry App World costs $2.99.
Wireless and Mobile News is proud to say that we had a mobile website at
wmns.mobi before Oprah went mobile.
In the meantime we say "You Go Mobile Girl" to Oprah.
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