webOS Verizon Pre Plus and Pixi Plus Updates 2DAY: webOS Build 158


Verizon is pushing out a an update to the Palm (HP?) Pre Plus and Palm (HP?) Pixi Plus to Palm webOS 14.11 Build 158.

For the Palm (HP) Pre Plus and Palm (HP) Pixi Plus  there are enhancements to  to Bluetooth, the time, network connections, Touchstone charger features and photography.  There are improvements to onscreen volume, keyboard, gestures, shutter speed,

HP Palm Pre and Pixi owners should be aware that when you accept an Over-The-Air-Update, (OTA) your battery
should be well charged, and it can take up to 15 minutes to complete.

You can choose to "Install Now" or "Install Late", If no response is selected, update will install after 10 minutes. The battery should never be removed while an update is being installed. Once update is downloaded, the "Install Now" screen is displayed. Tap "Install Now", to install the update.

Both the Palm

Pre Plus and Palm

Pixi Plus received great reviews and are especially well-liked
by women,who want to simplify
their lives and be able to operate their phones with one hand.


is still offering the Buy One Get One Free 3G smartphone deals
these smartphones along with a price drop of the Palm Pre Plus
down to $49.99 after rebates and $29.99 for the Palm Pixi Plus Plus
after rebates.  For an extra added bonus they  made the Wi-Fi
hotspot service FREE. Don't forget you can avoid waiting for a
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The Palm
Pre Plus
packs a lot of power but doesn't have as many
apps yet as the Droid
Incredible that has gotten rave reviews

The update to the Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus includes the following:

Easier to use Bluetooth.
Improved battery life when turning off Bluetooth without unpairing a device.
Displayed time feature is more accurate.
Easier connection management.
More consistent EV-DO connections when switching fromWi-Fi to CDMA.
Better Touchstone charger integration. - the  screen will now turn off and display the lock icon and time after the Pre Plus is docked with the Touchstone charger.
Newly taken photos and videos do not overwrite existing ones.
Improved picture display when cropping a picture for a contact.

Pinch to zoom now works in more applications.
The onscreen volume slider now appears correctly.
More accurate keyboard input.
The forward gesture now works in the browser.
The back gesture now returns to the file list screen in certain applications.
The shutter sound is more responsive when taking a picture.
The LCD reset issue has been resolved.

For step-by-step instructions on how to perform the download, please visitverizonwireless.com/preplussupport.