After only a few weeks on the market the well-reviewed
Droid Incredible by HTC from Verizon
Wireless already has an incredibly small update, which should only be of concern to corporate email users.
The Build Number 1.22.605.2/Baseband Version update improves functionality for composing and sending business email. Corporate email requires subscription to Corporate Email for the feature. Most consumers or individuals are probably not using this service. If you are not sure check with your Verizon rep.
You will be notified that a system update is available on your Droid Incredible.(Note Over-the-Air updates roll-out over time.) Press "Install now" and your device will power off and back on and the installation process will begin.
Make sure that your Droid Incredible is at least 40% charged, if you your Droid is not fully charged, it may create problems.
Note: If you choose "Install later" it will delay installation and you will be taken back to the home screen. The system update message will appear every 30 minutes until you install the update.
If you are roaming you will not receive a system update notice. You will
need to enable Wi-Fi and wait for the update notice to appear or as
mentioned above you can manually update by add steps.
If you would like to see what's inside the Droid Incredible by
HTC there is video of it its insides showing "red
Droid undies."
Droid HTC Incredible was sold-out
online the second day of sale and was hard to find in some stores.
Then we heard that Verizon
Wireless has sweetened the deal with their Buy One 3G smartphone
Wirefly Wirefly is offering 4 Days Only:
DROID INCREDIBLE by HTC and FREE Activation from Verizon Wireless,
that started on Monday and ends at midnight tonight (Thursday.)
More information is available at