iPhone 4 & iOS 4 Hot @ Wi-Fi Hotspots, Big at Hotels, Airports, in SF & LA

JiWire-iOS4Stats-June2010-1.jpgWi-Fi hotspot finder app maker JiWire has noticed a big uptake in use of iPhone 4 and  iOS 4 phone users at Wi-Fi hotspots.

A full 22.1% of all Apple iOS traffic in the first week of iOS4 was iOS 4 for iPhone 4, iPhone 3, and iPhone 3GS.


The favorite places for Wi-Fi access are hotels (52.28%), airports
(39.29%)  cafes
(3.87%), train stations and other.

cities San Francisco and Los Angeles topped the city list, followed by
Boston, Dallas and Miami.

JiWire-iOS4Stats-June2010-3City.jpgThe well-reviewed
iPhone 4
has had a few issues including one that
stunned Apple
where bar graphing of signals is incorrect and
the left-side death
that causes signal loss.

JiWire reported in the first quarter of 2010, the top devices it found were:
iPhone, iPod Touch, Palm Pre, HTC G1 and BlackBerry Bold 9700.JiWire top device requests.JPG