Free Android an' Droid App: Vlingo Let's You Tell Your Android What 2 Do


Voice Actions for Android is very similar to the Vlingo
for Android app--just by pushing a widget button on the home screen
you can speak to your Android phone and have Voice Actions turn your
words into actions.  Vlingo does the same and more. Voice Actions was launched for free last week and now the Vlingo for Android app is free too.

For all the appeal of Voice Actions, Vlingo claims they because they are an independent
provider of voice-enablement they don't have to give preference to any
particular content. Vlingo
also mashes up content other than Google content.

The current Vlingo Android app leverages Facebook and Twitter. It also has other features not yet
present in Voice Actions, such as  SafeReader feature that reads incoming text and email messages out loud.

Following Google's lead they've made Vlingo Android free on
Android effective immediately so you can compare for yourself.
Also--since Voice Actions only runs on 2.2 and above, those with  2.0
and 2.1 users should be happy because Vlingo will run on their Android smartphones.

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