There is now a Netflix App for iPhone and iPod touch that allows for streaming video of TV shows and movies for Netflix members who pay for the Netflix service. The Neflix iPhone App is available in the iTunes App Store
The Netflix App offers an
array of movie and TV choices in an iPhone-style interface. It is
available via both Wi-Fi and 3G networks. TV episodes and movies are organized into categories based on members’ personal preferences, popular genres, new arrivals and members’ individual instant Queue, similar to the Netflix web-based service.
The Netflix App supports any iPhone or iPod touch device running iOS version 3.13 or later. Membership plans start at $8.99 a month. Netflix recently announced a deal with EPIX for streaming of titles from EPIX from Paramount, Lionsgate
and MGM titles.
To watch a movie or TV episode, users tap the multi-touch app to watch the media instantly or to save the title for viewing later.
Users and also fast-forwardnd rewind the video stream, and pause at any time. When users want to start watching again, the video stream starts exactly where it was stopped, even on a different streaming device such as a computer.