iPhone Ominbus to Verizon if Could iPhone, Surely Would, Says Morpace Omnibus

att-iphone-verizon-switch-study-morpace-2.pngMorpace Ominbus findings show that many iPhone owners would switch network loyalty if they had other optinons.

A recent Morpace Omnibus study, found that nearly a third of consumers are very likely or somewhat likely to purchase an iPhone if it is made available to Verizon.

The survey revealed that Verizon iPhone intenders come primarily from current Verizon customers However, intenders are also drawn from current AT&T customers as well as from other carriers. Current AT&T iPhone customers are also interested in a Verizon iPhone.
20 % of T-Mobile customers are "Somewhat" or "Very Likely" to go to
Verizon for an iPhone. Sprint and AT&T customers are  22% and 23%,
respectively, likely to jump over to the iPhone Verizon fence.
However, 51% of current Verizon customers would love to go over to the iPhone side.

Recent rumors of the iPhone availability on Verizon or another carrier may also be impacting the
number of upgrades seen for the iPhone 4. Nearly all 34 percent of AT&T iPhone owners who have
not yet upgraded to the iPhone 4 say they are waiting for the iPhone to become available through
another mobile carrier before upgrading.

Morpace Ominibus Conclusions
• The impact on other Verizon smart phones that have not previously had to compete directly with
the iPhone may be significant if Verizon begins to carry the iPhone. It could drastically impact the
purchase of other phones.
• There may be concerns over how the Verizon network will handle the bandwidth demands of
iPhone users.
• The shake-up of unlimited vs. tiered data plans will continue and become a key element of
customer choice. The mobile networks will need to carefully develop their business strategies.
• The impact of Android phones, a current favorite among Verizon customers, has yet to be
determined and could be the key to understanding future market share if Verizon and Apple
develop an agreement.