Appnation: Apps Appetite Growing, iPhone Top Followed by Android & BlackBerry, Games & Facebook Tops


There is huge appetite for iPhone, Android and BlackBerry apps in Ammerica, notes the
latest edition of The Nielsen Company's Apps Playbook.  The average
number of apps that smartphone app downloaders have on their phones is
now 27, up from 22 in December 2009. iPhones have the biggest appetite, followed by Android, and BlackBerry.

iPhones owners have the most apps with an average of 40 on their phones, up
from 37 last December, while Android owners report having 25 apps on
their phones (up from 22 last December) and BlackBerry owners report
having 14 (up from 10).

Games continue to be the most popular category by far, with 61% of
smartphone owners and 52% of feature phone owners reporting using a
games app in the past 30 days. Weather apps are the next most popular
category. Followed by Maps/Search, Music, News, Entertainment, Banking/Finance, Restaurant, Sports, Productivity, click on chart on left to see all.

But while all categories of applications are more popular on
smartphones than on feature phones, the difference is more pronounced in
categories such as Maps/Navigation, where more computing power, larger
screens and touch interfaces deliver a more satisfying experience.

Facebook is the most popular individual app on all of the major
operating systems. This finding is similar to the latest Distimo report.  Pandora is in the top five apps on iPhone Android and BlackBerry. Twitter is among the top five only on the
BlackBerry, perhaps because the device's physical keyboard is optimized
for typing. And while YouTube is popular on Android and Windows Mobile,
it doesn't make the top five on either the iPhone or BlackBerry
operating systems.

Neilsen's Top iPhone Apps

  1. Facebook.
  2. Weather Channel
  3. Google Maps
  4. iTunes.
  5. Pandora

Neilsen's Top Android Apps

  1. Google Maps
  2. Facebook.
  3. Weather Channel.
  4. Pandora.
  5. YouTube.

Neilsen's Top BlackBerry Apps

  1. Facebook
  2. Weather Channel.
  3. Google Maps.
  4. Pandora.
  5. Twitter.

This edition of Nielsen's App Playbook is based on an August survey
of more than 4,000 mobile subscribers who reported having downloaded a
mobile app in the past 30 days. Jonathan Carson, CEO of Nielsen's
Telecom Practice
, is scheduled to unveil more detailed findings from the
App Playbook in a keynote speech at the AppNation conference in San
Francisco on Monday, September 13.

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1 thought on “Appnation: Apps Appetite Growing, iPhone Top Followed by Android & BlackBerry, Games & Facebook Tops”

  1. According to recent studies, people nowadays (not just Americans) are using their phones for applications. Talking or texting is just next to their top usage of their mobile phones.

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