T-Mobile Has Mo' Data Options 200 MB and Unlimited

T-mobilelogobig.jpgFollowing Verizon's introduction on Friday of new tiered and unlimited data plans for smartphones, T-Mobile announced its new data plans.  Today T-Mobile confirmed its tiered changes in data plans - a $10, 200 megabyte per-month plan (with contract) and also an unlimited web plan for $30 per month.  They have also added a tethering hotpsot option for $14.99 on top of the unlimited $30 web plan. They are hoping to convert more customers to their new less than $100 Android family-oriented smartphones.Mobile data plans.
With T-Mobile data plans, customers will have two options for data: the Web - 200MB plan or the Web - Unlimited plan.
The Web - 200MB plan will be available for $10 per month with a new two-year service agreement or contract extension for a limited time or for $15 per month, which will not require a two-year contract extension.
The Web - Unlimited plan will be available for $30 per month.  Both data plans will be sold paired with a new or existing voice and text-message plan. 

Tethering and Wi-Fi Sharing service plan.
T-Mobile is offering a new tethering service plan that enables select smartphones to function as wireless modems for connecting devices, such as laptops, tablets and netbooks to the Internet through the T-Mobile network.  Customers can add the Tethering and Wi-Fi Sharing plan to their Web - Unlimited $30 monthly plan for an additional $14.99 per month.

Industry bloggers noted that the T-Mobile unlimited data plans sometimes throttle down to 64 kbps after 5 gigabytes of data use.