Windows Phone 7 launched on Monday in the U.S. and there have been reports of limited supplies, protected Wi-Fi issues and mislabeled batteries. Windows Phone 7 smartphones however are still available and discounted heavily from online retailers.
A Microsoft spokeswoman in an email stated that the Windows Phone 7 "initial supplies are tight and some buyers have been disappointed to learn their local stores are already out of stock." She
added, "We hear their concerns and are working diligently with out
partners to bring more phones to stores in the coming weeks."
ComputerWorld checked Windows Phone 7 supplies in the Boston area and found that the HTC HD7 (read review) , Samsung Focus (read review) and HTC Surround (read review) were available at T-Mobile and AT&T stores in small numbers. Although, yesterday we saw claims that the Windows 7 phones had sold-out on carrier websites when we checked T-Mobile and AT&T websites, they were available.
We also discovered discounts available for Windows Phone 7 smartphones. Amazon Wireless Beta is offering the HNTC HD7 for $149.99 and the HTC Surround for one cent (as part of their penny phone sale) with a new contract or $149.99 for renewing customers. Both phones ship within 24 hours. Amazon Wireless Beta is selling many smartphones for a penny this weekend.
Wirefly this weekend has FREE activation from T-Mobile
and is selling the HTC HD7 for $99.99 with a new plan (Use coupon code: WIREFLYHD79 to receive $25 off your HD7 purchase.) Wirefly
also has a special price for the HTC Surround that is higher than the Amazon Wireless price.
AT&T's spokeswoman said "some stores may temporarily be out of a particular model. But customers
can expect regular shipments of additional inventory every few days."
If you want to buy a Windows Phone 7, be sure to call your local store to check supplies or you can order online for a discount.
has been heavily promoting Windows Phone 7 with it's "reality" commercials, spending $500 million on the campaign. Some analysts are
proposing that the shortage could be conspirancy to make demand higher.
The Register reported that there were 40,000 Windows Phone 7 handsets sold on Monday in the U.S.
started selling the Dell Venue Pro on Monday, but stopped selling them
after problems with protected Wi-Fi networks and batteries, labeled as
"Engineering Samples." Replacement Dell Venue Pro phones will be
available at the end of next week.
Windows Phone 7 Articles
- Survey Shows Annoying, Bad Phone Behavior, Windows Phone Better Way?
- Copy & Paste 4 Windows Phone 7 & "Really" Windows Phone 7 Contest.
Compare the different Windows Phone 7 handsets.
- Samsung Focus (AT&T) Review.
- Review: HTC Surround (AT&T) Windows Phone 7.
- Windows Phone 7 Operating System Review of Reviews.
Windows Phone 7 Apps
- Free Windows Phone App: Slacker Radio
- Windows Phone 7 App: Google Search.
- Free Windows Phone 7 App: Loopt Social Mapping LBS.
- AT&T Offers Free U-verse Trial for Windows Phone 7: Samsung Focus, HTC Surround and LG Quantum .