Android Sprint 4G Apps Winners: NASA Images, Say What?, Recipe Search, Facebook Upload & Mediafly

mediayfly.pngSprint, with partners WIRED, Reddit
and Ars Technica, announced the winners of the Sprint 4G
App Challenge today.

Submissions were based on four criteria - creativity, intuitive
navigation, functionality and design.  The judges' panel was composed
of product and technology executives from Sprint, editors from WIRED
and its partners at Reddit and Ars Technica.  All the
winning apps are available in the Android Market.

Sprint 4G App Challenge Winners:

Andrei Goumilevski, Tallahassee, FL - NASA Images
NASA Images showcases 4,000 space images from the
NASA APOD site.  Because the images are large, Sprint 4G enables
customers to download them quickly.

Rob Miley, St. Charles, MO - Say What? Mobile Game
What? is the mobile version of the kids' game Telephone, where one person
whispers a phrase in someone's ear, and that person would repeat
what they heard to the next person.  Once the game is complete, players
can hear the beginning and ending phrase.  Players are randomly connected
to active games.  Interaction with the app and the game server is
frequent, so the Sprint 4G Network provides a fast and reliable Internet
connection for optimal play.

Rajan Singh, San Jose, CA - Recipe Search
Search is a reverse recipe finder app.  The user simply speaks the
ingredients they have in their refrigerator or pantry, and they will see
a display of meals with directions that they could cook.  Sprint 4G will
reduce latency and deliver results quicker.

Social Networking
Carmen Delessio, Pound Ridge, NY -
BFF Photo - Facebook Upload

BFF Photo brings Facebook photos to
the user's phone.  Consumers can use the app to view photo albums,
friends' albums, and take and upload photos and videos.  The app fully
uses the bandwidth and reliability of the Sprint 4G Network to manage
the connection to Facebook and the speedy media download to the customer.

Jason Shah, Chicago, IL - Mediafly
Mediafly Mobile, users can organize and discover podcasts, audio, video,
radio and streams from their Android phone.  The Sprint 4G Network makes
watching streaming video on this app easy and enjoyable.

In addition to bragging rights, winners in each category took home a
$50,000 grand prize, a choice of an HTC EVO 4G or Samsung Epic 4G with
one year of Sprint service (includes applicable taxes and surcharges), a
one-year membership to the Sprint Professional Developer Program
(including 250 hours in the Virtual Developer Lab) and an invitation to WIRED's
VIP party during the 2011 International CES in Las Vegas.