Mobile Holiday Shoppers Scan Before They Buy, iPhone, BlackBerry & Android Tops, Say Scanbuy


A recent poll by Scanbuy revealed that there is significant interest in using mobile barcodes while shopping.  More than half of those surveyed scanned a barcode, with 57% scanning at least once, 40% of those consumers scanning a mobile barcode five or more times, with an additional 40% stating they've never scanned a barcode before, but would like to.

Findings include:

  • An overwhelming 97% of consumers found mobile barcodes useful in some capacity, with only 3% finding them "not very useful."
  • Price comparison was the most popular feature for consumers while shopping, with user reviews and specific product offers also getting strong interest.
  • More than half of consumers said they'd most likely scan a barcode to look up prices online, but some also like getting information without finding a sales clerk.
  • Over 60% stated they are most likely to scan barcodes (UPC and QR) from product packaging.
  • The iPhone was the device most used by respondents, with 34% of those surveyed saying that was the device they used.  BlackBerry and Android were right behind at 29% and 27% respectively.