Samsung Galaxy S Update: Android 2.3 Update to Gingerbread 4 Epic 4G, Fascinate, Captivate, Continuum & Vibrant?

Samsung Gingerbread.JPGThe latest model in the Samsung Galaxy S series of phones is the Google Nexus S with a pure Google "experience" minus the Samsung Media/Social Hubs and add-ons.  The Nexus S runs Android 2.3 Gingerbread and has the same processor as Samsung Galaxy S phones, which leads bloggers to ask, "When will Samsung Galaxy S get an update to Android 2.3 Gingerbread?"

Many bloggers contend that an update to Android
2.3 Gingerbread has more or less been confirmed via a Twitter post from
Samsung in India that stated, "Yes we will get Gingerbread on Galaxy S."

Update 01/20/11: The Samsung Vibrant will start getting an update to Android 2.2 tomorrow 1/21.

Update 01/19/11: The latest Samsung Galaxy S  update news is that the update to Android 2.2 Froyo is promised.

Update 01/14/11 -  Samsung issued a statement saying that they are still testing Android 2.2 Froyo for Samsung Galaxy Phones and will push the update out ASAP.  Verizon began pushing out a GPS fix for the Samsung Fascinate on January 13.

There has been no date set as to when the update to Android 2.2 will reach all the Samsung Galaxy S smartphones in the U.S., including the Samsung Epic 4G, Samsung Fascinate, Samsung Captivate and Samsung Continuum except for a news release that stated near future and other references to by year-end.  The GPS problems on the Samsung Vibrant and Captivate can be helped with a new Samsung app, Samsung GPS Restore.

Mobile Burn contacted Samsung's USA team and was told that there is no
official status on whether we'll see the update in the U.S., but it seems that
it's still in the realm of possibility.

Please note that Twitter updates from other countries don't generally mean the United States. A Twitter update from Samsung Mobile in the U.K. was misinterpreted earlier.
Yesterday, bloggers reported that a Samsung rep said,"

In case a new version of
Android operating system is publicly announced and released, Samsung
will review the possibility of implementation of such new version to the
existing Samsung products with Android operating system ("Update"). 
Such a review will be based on various factors including, without
limitation, the overall effect of such Update to Samsung products, the
system requirements, the structural limitations, and the level of
cooperation from the component suppliers and the software licensors.  If
Samsung decides to make the Update available to the users after such
consideration, Samsung will use its efforts to develop such Update,
which may be released to the users upon successful completion of such

The Samsung Galaxy S update to Android 2.2 includes many well-liked features,
including an Adobe Flash compatibility, speed improvements, better
keyboard, Samsung Media Hub, better Microsoft Exchange support, and
storing of apps on the microSD card (see list of update features).

The update to Gingerbread is the fastest Android operating system so far.

Many of the Samsung Galaxy S phones were named in Wireless and Mobile News' Review of Reviews Top Ten Best Android an' Droid Phones Now an' Later.

All Samsung Galaxy S phones
have a super fast 1GHz hummingbird processor with efficient 3D graphics
processing, Super AMOLED 4-inch touchsreen, 5-megapixel camera,
microSD, Wi-Fi, and Android 2.1.  Samsung has added on TouchWiz software
for a social hub as well as a media hub for online viewing. 
Differences come in the amount of internal storage, size of the microSD
card included, mobile hotspot capabilities, keyboard style, and the speed
of data networks.

We will be exploring the Samsung Galaxy S phone series in future articles.  Check the Samsung Galaxy S page to see when they appear.