For this year, IDC reported that Android is the top OS, followed by BlackBerry and Apple's iPhone. Smartphone ownership will grow 49.2% in 2011, with over 450 million smartphones shipped this year.
In the smartphone tog dog-pecking order, Windows Phone has been the underdog for a while. IDC, however, believes that the recent Nokia partnership and other factors will make Windows Phone a better pack member and reach 20.9% of market share by 2015, beating out Apple's iPhone.
Android will be the leader of the pack in 2011, with 39.5% market share and 45.4% market share in 2015. Analysts Ramon Llamas notes that Android will take over as the leading operating system in 2011 and will reign as king.Here's what IDC expects in 2015:
1. Android with 45.4%.
2. Windows Phone 7 and Windows Mobile with 20.9%.
3. iOS with 15.3%.
4. BlackBerry with 13.7%.
5. Symbian with 0.2%.
6. Others with 4.6%.
Here's what IDC expects in 2011:
1. Android with 39.5%.
2. BlackBerry with 13.7%.
3. iOS with 15.7%.
4. Symbian with 20.9%.
5. Windows Phone 7 and Windows Mobile with 5.5%.
6. Others with 3.5%.