TS2R Wireless News from Wireless and Mobile News
HTC Arrive Set to Arrive March 20 - The HTC Arrive, the first Windows Phone 7 phone from Sprint, will go on sale Sunday, March 20. It has a QWERTY keyboard, Qualcomm 1GHz Snapdragon Processor, 3.6-inch WVGA capacitive
touchscreen, 5MP camera, 16GB internal 25GB of storage in the cloud
(at no additional charge
using a Windows Live ID), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Sprint TV, and SRS WOW HD
surround sound.
T-Mobile G2X Coming April 20? The dual-core T-Mobile G2X, a version of the dual-core LG Optimus 2X, is expected to be announced at CTIA and released on April 20. It features a 4" touchscreen, 1GHz dual-core NIVIDIA Tegra 2 processor, 2 cameras, 1080p HD video with HDMI mirroring, Android 2.2 (later upgraded to 3.3) and 1500mAh battery.
BlackBerry & PlayBook to Play Microsoft 365 - BlackBerry will
partner with Microsoft, using the cloud service Microsoft Office 365 to
allow corporate customers to move the hosting of enterprise servers to
off-site data centers and to manage it remotely. The PlayBook is expected
to launch very soon.
iPad 2 and iPhone Shortages Due to Japan Disasters - Mitsubishi
Gas Chemical Co and Toshiba factories are shut down due to the disasters
in Japan, which Piper Jaffary expects will cause a shortage of iPhones
and iPads. Toshiba makes flash memory, and Mistuishi makes the BT resin
for circuit boards. The two companies are not the only suppliers for
Apple's products. The analyst concluded, "Our conclusion is that Apple is
well positioned to suffer proportionally less than its competitors."
Free TeleNav App for Verizon Android an' Droid Phones - Verizon Android customers can now download Navigation by TeleNav for free. The app offers turn-by-turn directions, multiple route suggestions and local search.