Commercial Driver Videos Show Mobile Phone as Second Top Distraction

DistractedCommericalDrvier.JPG2010 SmartDrive Distracted Driving Index shows a revealing look at commercial-fleet distracted-driving rates during the past year, in which more than 13.8 million video events recorded over the course of 2010, involving 34,466 commercial drivers, was evaluated.

The top 5% of drivers with the most driving distractions were distracted
67% of the time during which a risky driving maneuver was observed.  That's nearly six times more often than the rest of the drivers.
The overall 2010 distraction rate was 9.7% of the time risky-driving
maneuvers were observed.  Holding an object in a hand was the top
distraction, followed by talking on a handheld mobile phone.  Drinking,
eating and smoking were the next highest distractors.