Motorola has launched its SocialTV Companion Service for TV service providers. The service, which will work on smartphones and tablets, such as the Motorola Xoom, Motorola Atrix and Droid Bionic, is designed to engage TV viewers while they are watching television.
When people watch TV at the same time, they will be able to
share comments and interact real-time with friends and family via
social networks using the Motorola SocialTV Companion Service. They will also be able to access content, applications or
merchandise related to the program that they're watching.
Motorola's SocialTV Companion Service includes interactive games, social engagement, real-time chat, TV show ratings and live feeds from leading social networking platforms.
The SocialTV Companion Service app is
compatible with any internet-connected tablet, smartphone or computer
with HTML5 browser support.
Its yet another way for advertisers and brands to reach consumers with:
- Integrated social loyalty platform rewarding consumers for checking in to shows and participating in live discussions or games, with redemptions for discounts on merchandise.
- Real-time promotion of recommended products and merchandise related to the show being watched that consumers can click through and purchase using their smartphone or tablet.
- Supports optional display of advertising or coupons that are clickable though companion smartphone or tablet.
- Display of online video clips related to the show that consumer is watching, viewable on the companion tablet/smartphone without leaving the provider-branded portal.
Motorola Mobility's
2010 Media Engagement Barometer showed that nearly 40% of Americans
would prefer a TV viewing experience that offered access to value-add
Read Motorola Xoom review. The Motorola Xoom is available with 3G/4G access from Verizon Wireless and is available in Wi-Fi only from many outlets.
The Motorola Atrix was called revolutionary when it debuted at CES and won many awards. At CTIA in March, it won the best smartphone E-Tech Award. After testing it, all reviewers
gave high ratings for the speedy dual-core processor and the beautiful
touchscreen and docks.