New Motorola Xoom 16GB to Xoom to Verizon at a Cheaper Price?

MotorolaXoomWifi3G.JPGTo be more competitive with the Mototola Xoom, Motorola supposedly is working on a Motorola Xoom 16GB version for the Verizon Wireless network.  The 16GB tablet should cost less and be cheaper than the 32GB model.

The Motorola Xoom is the closest competitor to the iPad 2, except that it currently only comes in 32GB - in either Wi-Fi or 3G upgradeable to 4G LTE.  The best feature of the Motorola Xoom is that you can view Adobe Flash in the web browser.  Earlier this week, we found some neat tips from Xoom users for the Motorola Xoom, which help to make using it easier and more efficient.
The current Motorola Xoom will be upgradeable to the Verizon 4G LTE
network, which reviewers are saying is the fastest data network around. 
In fact, the Verizon 4G LTE network is so fast that we rated it 5Gs. 
The well-reviewed iPad 2 is in short supply and selling for way above retail on
eBay.  The recent Japanese disasters may slow down the supply chain for
the iPad 2.

Verizon has been very pleased with Motorola Xoom
Sales, so we believe that they will put their advertising power behind
the next Xoom.

Read Motorola Xoom review.  The Motorola Xoom tied the iPad in ratings by Consumer Reports.

The Motorola Xoom is available with 3G/4G access from Verizon Wireless and is available in Wi-Fi only from many outlets.