Samsung Galaxy Expands: Samung Galaxy Prevail, Prevails at Boost

Samsung Galaxy Prevail.JPGBoost Mobile will be selling a Samsung Galaxy smartphone soon.  Boost has set up a landing page for the Samsung Galaxy Prevail.

The Samsung Galaxy Prevail will cost $179.99 and will be sold online "soon."

The Samsung Galaxy Prevail will run Android 2.2 on a 3.2-inch touchscreen and has a 2-megapixel camera, GPS and Bluetooth.  Boost Mobile is expected to make an announcement tonight.

Most Samsung Galaxy S phones have Super AMOLED displays, but so far there is no indication what kind of screen the Prevail has, or if it has Samsung Media and Social Hubs.
New Samsung Galaxy S phones include the Samsung Galaxy S 4G from T-Mobile, the Nexus S and Samsung Nexus S 4G.  Many of these phones appear in our list of top best Android smartphones now and later.