HTC News: HTC Merge Emerges at U.S. Cellular May 31 Release Date

HTCMergeUSCellular.JPGU.S. Cellular announced via its Facebook page that the HTC Merge will launch on May 31 and may be in stores as soon as tomorrow.

The HTC Merge has the updated HTC Sense, an 800MHz Scorpion processor and is a global-ready world phone.

Features of the HTC Merge include HTC Sense, a 3.8-inch touchscreen, portrait slide-out keyboard, Android 2.2, a 5-megapixel
camera with 720p HD video recording, an 8GB microSD installed, Bluetooth Wi-Fi and GPS.
The HTC Merge costs $149.99 after a $100 rebate.  U.S. Celluar
offers free activation on most online orders, and free shipping on all
online orders.