Risky Mobile Video Business @ Work - Video Solution from Qumu

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A Qumu-commissioned Harris survey found some interesting data about how video is viewed at work, as well as how employees hide access to many mobile activities, such as looking for other jobs, dates, bargains, and risque entertainment.  To illustrate how important an IT manager's work is, Qumu also commissioned an action-packed video that shows an IT guy planking through cyberspace.

A majority of online Americans (64%) are watching online videos.  A majority (61%) of online Americans also agree that companies should allow employees to use whatever mobile device they choose for work-related tasks, such as reading email and viewing company videos.

Using the corporate Wi-Fi for videos can cause major bandwidth challenges.  A 90-second video clip is 700 times larger than the average email, and iPads consume 400% more WI-Fi data on a monthly basis than the average iPhone, iPod or Android smartphone, which can cripple a network.

People are performing risky business on their mobile phones.  Almost three out of four online Americans (74%) believe that with mobile devices, people will do things they would not normally do on their work computer.  Those activities include:

  • 52% - Look for another primary job.
  • 47% - Watch pornography.
  • 47% - Visit an online-dating website.
  • 46% - Look for a side job.
  • 37% - Research embarrassing illness/condition.
  • 33% - Shop for lingerie/underwear.
  • 20% - Investigate plastic surgery options.

A majority of online Americans (63%) believe that during work
meetings, people "sneak-a-peek" at their mobile device.  The favored
methods that online Americans believe people use to catch a glimpse of
what was on their handheld included:

  • 47% - Hiding their mobile device under the table.
  • 42% - Excusing themselves to go to the restroom.
  • 35% - Hiding their mobile device in their folders/notebooks/papers.
  • 9% - Pretending to tie their shoes.
  • 8% - Creating a distraction.

Over a third, 37% of online Americans, didn't think that "sneaking-a-peek"
was necessary.  They thought people would just look at their mobile
devices in plain view.

To help companies adapt to the challenges posed by video, social
media, and mobile use, Qumu announced a technology breakthrough that
enables video content to be centrally managed while enabling video to be
embedded in virtually any business application, portal or mobile app.  The platform supports the belief that video should have a big impact on your audience, not your network.

To thank the people who ensure that video in major companies runs
dependably and smoothly, today Qumu is debuting a video homage to the IT
system heroes that will most likely be viewed under a table during a
meeting at work.