Samsung Galaxy S II News: Attain, Within & Function Information Attained from Within U.S. Trademarks Fit to Function Soon?


Our fact checkers have unearthed proof of the names associated with the Samsung Galaxy S 2 series in the U.S. Trademark database.  The names are the Attain, Within and Function.

There are listings for the Samsung Galaxy S II Attain, Within and Function as trademarked by Samsung.  The world market has bought many Samsung Galaxy S II smartphones, making the model a best seller, and we expect America will do the same when the Attain, Within and Function come to AT&T, Sprint and Verizon. 

Yesterday, a Samsung smartphone that could be the Samsung Galaxy S2 Samsung Attain  with HSPA (4G) was being approved by the FCC, suggesting a July or August release data.

Reviewers of Samsung Galaxy S II are calling it the
iPhone rival and giving it Editor's Choice Awards.  In other countries,  the model is outselling the iPhone.

The Samsung Galaxy S II series featuress a 4.3" Super AMOLED touchscreen, which is very vivid, and a dual-core processor.  Specs include a 1GB RAM on
board, 16GB/32G
MicroSD (up to 32GB), A-GPS, DLNA AllShare, better battery life,
voice commands,
NFC, an 8MP camera/camcorder (1080 HD), and special Samsung TouchWhiz UI features.

Also in the Trademark database are the terms Samsung Choice, Samsung Fit and Samsung Mini.  The Samsung Choice is not a choice of smartphones but a software program. 

The Samsung Fit has been announced and is an economical model "cheap" smartphone with a 5MP camera, smart hubs, Wi-Fi, and 600mHz processor.

The Galaxy Mini is a small 3.14" touchscreen smartphone with
Android, a 3MP camera, and 600mHz processor.  The support page says it's for
"smartphone rookies."

Read all Samsung Galaxy S II articles.