Droid Bionic Update: Moto Updates Droid Bionic Info with Promise of September Release Date

droidBionicMotoRep.JPGGoogle's purchase of Motorola may be good news for Droid Bionic enthusiasts.  Motorola has updated the fact sheet webpage for the Droid Bionic.  This time there is a clear and solid statement of an expected September release date.

The statement refers to other award-winning Droid smartphones in the past and says "We believe the DROID BIONIC will have those same award winning features
and will be one of the best 4G LTE devices on the market.."

Meanwhile, if a leaked roadmap is correct in October the Droid Bionic will have its stiffest competitor yet the HTC Vigor.
DroidBioniclaptopdock.JPGThey are working to ensure that the DROID BIONIC meets the expectations of consumers who are awaiting its availability. 

"In collaboration with Verizon Wireless, we are expecting to launch DROID
BIONIC this September. We are very excited about the new enhancements
that have been incorporated into our first 4G LTE smartphone since we
first announced it at CES, and look forward to revealing more details as
we get closer to launch."

The last suspected release date for the Droid Bionic was September 8 in a leaked Verizon roadmap. 

Last week there were Droid Bionic photos posted in Howard Forum where a Motorola rep showed up a a Verizon store, photos were taken of the Droid Bionic and a laptop dock.

There have been discussions by users and forums that the Droid Bionic has  great battery life and  fantastic speeds.

Read all Droid Bionic articles.  The closest Motorola smartphone to the Droid Bionic right now is the  Motorola Photon.