A leaked photograph shows the HTC Vigor to look like the HTC Droid Incredible and HTC ThunderBolt.
The HTC Vigor has a curved indented back with a red-eyed camera. The HTC Vigor is the supposed successor the the HTC ThunderBolt with a reported October 6 release date. Some think that the HTC Vigor may eventually be named the HTC Droid HD.
Leaked HTC Vigor specs include 4.3" touchscreen, HTC Sense 3.5, 1.5 GHz dual-core
processor, Android 2.3.4, eight-megapixel camera and DRE Beats audio
enhancement technology. It is hoped that it will have improved battery life over the HTC ThundeBolt.
Recently, HTC tweeted about our HTC EVO 3D, HTC Sensation 4G and myTouch 4G Slide battery-life-saving article which made it one of the most-read articles this week. HTC Sense 3.5 was revealed and is expected on the HTC Bliss, HTC Holiday and HTC Vigor.
Read all HTC Bliss, HTC Vigor, HTC Sense or HTC Holiday articles.