Mo' Appers than Android an' Droid Websters, Says Nielsen

Android-ODM-apps-vs-web.gifMobile apps are being used by Android owners more than the mobile web says a new report by Nielsen.

The average American Android smartphone user spends 56 minutes per day
actively interacting with the web and apps.  Of that time,
two-thirds is spent on mobile apps while one-third is spent on the
mobile web.

The top 10 Android apps account for 43 percent of all the time spent by
Android consumers on mobile apps. Many of the top apps are Facebook, Twitter and social media related.

The top 50 apps account for 61
percent of all time spent. With 250,000+ Android apps available at the
time of this writing, that means the remaining 249,950+ apps have to
compete for the remaining 39 percent of the pie.