Palm HP Pre 2 & HP TouchPad Killed By HP webOS Software Lives

Thumbnail image for HP PRe 2.JPGThe Palm Pre did synchronicity before anyone else did, and was the model for HTC Sense and Motolblur.  HP announced,today, that it end selling its Pre smartphones and TouchPad tablets.

"HP reported that it plans to announce that it will discontinue
operations for webOS devices, specifically the TouchPad and webOS
phones. HP will continue to explore options to optimize the value of
webOS software going forward."

HP acquired the webOS platform in 2010 when it bought Palm for $1.2 billion.

Rccently, HP reduced the price of the HP TouchPad which apparently was not selling very well.

The HP Veer and Palm Pre 2 were its latest smartphones.

HP will host a conference call with the financial community today at 2
p.m. PT / 5 p.m. ET today discuss the announcement.