BlackBerry Curve 9360 Merlot or Black QWERTY $79.99

BlackBerry 9360 MerlotT-Mobile has started presales for business customers of the BlackBerry Curve 9360 with BlackBerry OS 7 in two colors Black and Merlot or $79.99 after a rebate with a contract.  The rest will have to wait for the September 28 release date.

Features of the BlackBerry Curve 9360 include 2.4" screen, 850MHz processor, trackpad, 5MP camera with flash, GPS, 2GB microSD slot, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and 1050mAh battery.  It has has business apps such as Documents to Go and  BlackBerry Messenger preloaded.

The new WebKit browser supports HTML 5 video. Browsing with BlackBerry OS 7 is 40% faster than BlackBerry OS 6 smartphones and 100% faster than BlackBerry OS 5 smartphones.