HP CEO Whitman HP TouchPad Lesson - More Cheap Tablets for HP?

HP TouchPadMeg Whtiman's new job of CEO at HP may not mean a resurrection of the HP TouchPad or webOS.   Bringing in the former CEO of eBay didn't help HP stock prices, which fell today to lowest price since 2005.  We don't know if it will help HP TouchPad buyers, either.

The former CEO of HP, Leo Apotheker will reportedly receive a cash severance of at least $7.2 million.

While millions of dollars are passing through the hands of HP executives consumers are still  asking "How do I get an HP TouchPad for 99?"

eWeek advised Whitman to  keep the iPad 2 in mind and HP TouchPad.   The HP TouchPad flew off the shelves when it was priced at just $99.  If she decides to offer more tablets in the future. eWeek recommended "A cheap, high-powered tablet might be just what Whitman would need to solidify HP’s position in the marketplace."

eWeek also suggested "...the TouchPad has sold well, it might have a future, especially since it’s so well designed. webOS should provide some inspiration for Whitman and what she might think about the mobile space."

Tech guru Sascha Segan , on the other hand, wrote, " Whitman will have enough work on her hands saving HP's core PC business and untangling Apotheker's strategy-shifting mess. She's not going to bring webOS hardware back."

Segan concluded "webOS fans need to pass into the "acceptance" stage of mourning; thanks to HP's mismanagement, the TouchPad and Pre are well and truly dead."

Only Whitman and the board know for sure the destiny of the HP TouchPad.  But she says they will be making decisions, soon.

Earlier this week,  we learned that HP started laying off Palm webOS  employees.  Remaining HP employees on 9/28 will be able buy discounted new stock of HP TouchPads.  It was reported that an additional 100-200K TouchPads are being made in China.

Canalys reported that if HP could gain 10% of the tablet market, it could double or increase the value of the HP PC Division.  It would come at a great cost, because HP TouchPad tablets cost over $300 in materials each to produce.

2 thoughts on “HP CEO Whitman HP TouchPad Lesson - More Cheap Tablets for HP?”

  1. As JFK said, "We do things because they are hard, not because they are easy."

    The Touchpad could be great with some more work.

  2. If only they can make it look expensive, thin and sleek like Apple does with their tablets (and Sony for that matter)

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