Thinner, Lighter, Faster iPhone-Like 4G Smartphones Most Satisfactory, Says J.D. Power

Smartphone Satisfaction J.D. PowerJ.D. Powers' customer satisfaction study showed that customers prefer smartphones that are the most like the iPhone and computers. Apple was the top-ranked maker, followed by HTC.  The most satisfactory form of smartphone data access is through 4G networks.

The J.D. Power survey found :

  • "Thinner is better” overall physical design satisfaction is highest (852 on a 1,000-point scale) for smartphones that are less than 0.45 inches wide. In comparison, satisfaction averages 783 for smartphones that are 0.65 inches wide or wider.
  • Touchscreen-only smartphones generate considerably higher satisfaction with ease of operation (817 points) than either QWERTY-only based devices or those that have both a touch screen and QWERTY functions (785 and 782 points, respectively).
  • When the weight of the smartphone  does not exceed 5 ounces the satisfaction rating was higher.
  • Faster processing speeds, higher computer chip bit rates and the most advanced display screens (such as Super AMOLED vs. older LCD-based screens) all add significantly to user satisfaction.
  • Customers are highly satisfied with 4G-capable devices. Satisfaction among customers using 4G-capable phones averages 819, compared with 786 among customers using phones with 3G capability. Owners of 4G devices are also more active in terms of calling, texting and browsing the Internet.
  • For a sixth consecutive time, Apple ranks highest among manufacturers of smartphones in customer satisfaction. Apple achieves a score of 838 and performs well in all factors, particularly in ease of operation and features.
  • HTC (801) follows Apple in the smartphone rankings.

Samsung ranks highest in overall customer satisfaction with traditional handsets with a score of 718. Samsung performs well in three factors: performance, ease of operation and features. LG (717), Sanyo (716) and Sony Ericsson (709) follow Samsung in the traditional handset rankings.