Baby Boomers & Pre-Retirees Ready for Droid RAZR, HTC Rezound & Samsung Galaxy Nexus

If you are wondering to what to give Grandpa, Grandma or Baby Boomer friends this holiday season, it may be smartphone like the Droid RAZR, HTC Rezound  or Samsung Galaxy Nexus if they are Verizon customers.  If Granny is an AT&T customer she may flip out over the HTC Vivid or the Samsung Galaxy SII Skyrocket.

According to a new study by Nielsen, the youth sector (25-34) have smartphones at 62% while the second fastest smartphone adoption group is aged  54-64.

While the younger set may be happy with smaller screens, we've noticed that the older folks love the super big screen of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus (4.65") and HTC Vivid (4.5") or Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket (4.5").  Super AMOLED also makes it easier to read text.

43% of American mobile phone users own a smartphone.  A majority of subscribers under 44 now own smartphones.

Android is the most popular smartphone OS with 43% of the market, while Apple is the top smartphone maker. BlackBerry.

According to another report by Canalys HTC is the top smartphone maker in the United States followed by Samsung.

We will be compiling a list of the top 10 best smartphones of the year as well as keep you posted of Black Friday-Weekend/Cyber Monday deals in the next month to make sure th older folks are happy with their smartphone choices.