Droid RAZR Cut Above? Thin is In - Coating Strong as Steel Compared to HTC Rezound Deals

Droid RAZRThe Droid RAZR from Verizon Wireless has many features of other top of the line dual-core smartphones and is being marketed as stronger, thinner and lighter.  Promotions show its rough and tough features.  Here are some videos showing the whole world of Droid RAZR and finally how it compares to the HTC Rezound.

Motorola shows how it made the Droid RAZR thinner by removing air space,  adding a thin  battery, super Kevlar and splash coating to make the thinness strong.  It's five times stronger than steel.  The Kevlar is the same material as a bullet proof vest and  prevents scratches.

Verizon gave original RAZR owners the new Droid RAZR in a hot box. "We took the DNA from the awesome RAZR and mixed it with the Droid"

Comments include "It's light and small." "It will be like coming into the space age."

FYI: The specs of the Droid RAZR include a 4.3" curved Gorilla glass  Super AMOLED  and 8-megapixel rear camera records 1080p HD video. Other features include 1.2GHz dual-core processor, 1GB RAM, 16 GB on board, 16 GB microSD card preinstalled, mobile hotspots, 1780mAh battery, enterprise features (remote wipe/encryption, calendar and contacts).

Finally,  Bob Kovacs at Wirefly compared the HTC Rezound and Droid RAZR in schmackdown.  Both Droid RAZR and HTC Rezound have:

  • 4G LTE network.
  • Dual-core Processors.
  • 1 GB RAM 16 GB onboard storage and 16GB  microSD card.
  • 4.3" touchscreens.
  • Front cameras, 8MP camera.
  • HDMI out with micro HDMI RAZR USB/HDMI connectors for Rezound.

Differences of the Droid RAZR and HTC Rezound include screen resolutions, battery removal,case seals, UI, thinness, weight, screen colors, benchmark tests RAZR (2312) higher and photo quality. Kovacs rated the HTC Rezound slightly better for his tastes.

Of course Wirefly  has special offers for the HTC Rezound. The best prices we could find for the Droid RAZR include Amazon Wireless at $199.99 for new customers and $249.99 for renewing customers on Sunday.

Update 11/21/11:By Monday morning the Amazon Wireless price dropped down to a penny new customers and $229.99 for renewing customers.

The Droid RAZR is part of Wirefly's Black Friday Now Sale.

As an added bonus if you are planning on buying the Droid RAZR for Mobile hotspots, Amazon Wireless is offering a $100 Amazon gift card a Verizon or Sprint device with a mobile hotspot contract.

The good news is that  Verizon Wireless doubled the amount of 4G LTE data for the price through the holidays. It also extends its return policy until January for smartphones bought after November 15 until January 15, with a $35 restocking fee.

The Droid that proves thin is no longer frail.