We've been calling the HP TouchPad the tablet that would not die, now it looks like webOS won't die either, even when exposed to an MRI. HP finally make decision about webOS and its fire sale of cheap CPO HP TouchPad tablets. Doctors have used the webOS platform to help compute and analyze in the MRI process in hospitals.
HP announced today that it will continue to be active in the development and support of webOs by opening it to the "open source community"
In an interview, Meg Whitman confirmed that there will be more webOS devices in the future, "But we will use webOS in new hardware, but it’s just going to take us a little longer to reorganize the team in a quite different direction than we’ve been taking it in the past.” She also said that tablets such as the HP TouchPad could be possible.
Meanwhile, we've gotten word the HP TouchPad deal will be back on Sunday at 5:00 PM EST, December 11. The price will be the famous fire-sale deal of $99 for 16GB and $149.99 for the 32GB TouchPad for a limited supply of refurbished TouchPads. An email sent to employees says:
"If you are interested in purchasing a refurbished TouchPad, please make yourself a reminder to log-on to eBay a few minutes before the sale starts to make your purchase. The TouchPads will be available for sale here (under “Laptops”): http://stores.ebay.com/hewlettpackard."
UPDATE 12/11/2011 3:39 pm PST ,- The HP eBay website is v-e-r-y busy due to all the HP TouchPad media mentions. One reader wrote that the prices are not the fire sale prices.
Twitter users have reported "
#FoundTP It said more than 10 before and now Limited Quantity. Looks like the employees are buying them up again." "HP TouchPad broke eBay".
Dr. Andrew B. Holbrook, a Research Associate at Stanford University, realized that an HP TouchPad could, with some modifications, be made non-metallic enough to go where no computer has gone before: into the MRI chamber. Dr. Andrew B. Holbrook, a Research Associate at Stanford University, realized that an HP TouchPad could, with some modifications, be made non-metallic enough to go where no computer has gone before: into the MRI chamber.
With the TouchPad functioning in the field, Dr. Holbrook constructed a system consisting of a high-powered PC server in a “MR-safe” location that interfaces both with the MRI scanner and with TouchPads onsite that are running a suite of hybrid-PDK apps written by Holbrook to observe and manipulate data.
One app shows how a patient is breathing as they are lying on the MRI table. Even though respiration information and the HIFU information came from separate parts of the MRI suite, both could now be monitored on Holbrook’s portable webOS HP TouchPad. The technology has multiple uses, like controlling scans while tracking an implanted device, for example, or even allowing a radiologist to scan in the room, next to the patient.
The HP TouchPad made a comeback on Black Friday as a promo when purchased with an HP Computer at Walmart.com . The HP TouchPad was erroneously reported to be used in paperless courts in the the U.K.
The HP TouchPad sold-out and flew off the shelves when it was reduced to $99 for 16 GB and $149 for 32 GB. A second run was sold-out to employees who spent the whole day ordering HP TouchPads with some complaining about the loss of work time.
HP has officially announced that they had no more new TouchPads in stock on November 7.
I went to the site and there was no sales on, unless it happened in 2 minutes. They are selling refurbish touchpads for $500+, why buy refurbished for that price when you cna buy the current hottest tablets for that price!