Samsung Galaxy Nexus Review of News: Primed for Friday Release @ $299.99

Galaxy Nexus boxWhen you wait a day, there is more information and news regarding the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, happy orders, packaging photographed, more videos and a $299.99 price tag.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Samsung Galaxy Nexus will go on sale this month for $299.99

The most encouraging news is from an Nexus Forum member

"I just got a call and I have a Nexus on hold for Friday!!!! Woot it's really here and displays will be Monday or Tuesday he says. Now I now I'm guarantee one!"  The happy buyer said he was called by a store manager, after he had left message at the store inquiring about the Nexus.

Some Nexus fans have done some phone calling for us:

"2 out of the 3 stores that I called said they heard and believe it will be released on Thursday 12/8 in stores, but they did not have any concrete info about it. No word on any pre-order date, but who knows they could just be reading these forums for the rumored release date for all we know lol"

Another quote from a Verizon rep:

"The lady on the phone said she heard on blogs that it would be the end of the week. Then she said she had someone "important" in the store. She put me on hold for about 5 minutes, came back and said that they told them it world be released sometime between now and Dec. 22nd."

The is no solid date from Verizon Wireless, yet, in a news release, released today in the midst of a happy one-year birthday announcement for Verizon's 4G LTE network that the Samsung Galaxy Nexus is "coming soon."

Nexsu AccesXDA Developers forum members uploaded some photos of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus box and claimed that the Nexus are being shipped to retail stores this week.  The box has as a red interior and the manual is title "Master Your Device."

Samsung Galaxy Nexus accessories are being sold in Verizon stores, such as a spare battery charging kit, spare battery and Power & Protection Package.

Those who claim to be in the know are saying that the Samsung Galaxy Nexus will be released on Friday, December 9.

HKSSCom on YouTube released a new video of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus in action.  The video shows:

  • Fast snappy scrolling of screens.
  • The widget style browser in Android 4.0.
  • Camera test in low light.
  • Different live wall papers.
  • Factory reset and restore functions.  The animation shows the inside of  the Android heart rotating.