Consumer Reports is a trusted source for testing. As we review major reviews and ratings of smartphones for this year (2011) we find their choices interesting and it makes buyer decisions easier or more difficult depending how you look at it. We've already compiled the top best smartphones for AT&T and Sprint. Let's look at their T-Mobile
top picks. After the top choices, we also put the lowest prices as of today. Please note prices change all the time, we can't guarantee the price is always correct.
Consumer Reports choices tend to be based on testing and ease of use. Tech sites tend to review according to the fastest most geeky features. The Samsung Galaxy SII has gained in popularity and is the top choice for all carriers except Verizon Wireless.
The magazine is slightly behind the market because it takes time to go to print and be delivered.
The online version of CR rates these smartphones with the top scores:
Samsung Galaxy SII(79)- received top scores for the super AMOLED 4.5" touchscreen, fast 4G network, cameras, phone functions and media capabilities. It's hard to reach the microSD card and dial phone without looking. List price from T-Mobile is $229.99 you can get the Samsung Galaxy SII from Amazon Wireless for new and renewing customers for $199.99.
Samsung Galaxy S 4G(78) - gets good ratings for the super AMOLED 4" touchscreen, ease of use, battery life, file creation, 4G data and Android. They don't like the lack of physical keys for use or that the camera lacks flash and hard to reach microSD card. Available from T-Mobile for $99.99 or from Amazon for .01 cent for new customers or $49.99 for renewing customers.
HTC Amaze 4G(77) - although heavy/bulky, the best features are the super-featured camera, high-res 4.3" touchscreen, front-facing cameras, 4G data and app launching from locked screen. They didn't like the voice quality, lack of buttons and hard to access microSD card. The best price for the HTC Amaze is directly from T-Mobile for 229.99.
T-Mobile G2X(76) - they loved the price (free), best camera, video quality, touchscreen, 4G data and good battery life. He didn't like the lack of preset text message, physical buttons, and memory card is hard to access.
HTC Sensation 4G(75) - The called it "very good" and gave it good ratings for 4.3" touchscreen, launching apps from lockscreen, file creation, 4G data and ease of use. They didn't like fair voice listening quality, lack of hard buttons, hard to reach microSD card and large size. The reviews of the HTC Sensation 4G have all been sensational. The T-Mobile list price is $199, you can get it from Amazon Wireless for $199.99 for new an renewing customers.
CR is the first source we are reviewing reviews of before several other sources that will culminate in the best top smartphones of the entire year.