Mogreet Mobile moShare Lets You Share Mo' with Friends Easily

moShareMogreet introduced a new sharing service, moShare, which enables the billions of pieces of content shared online via social media and email to be instantly shared to any mobile device.

The moShare service  enables you to send videos, pictures, music and stories to your friends' mobile phones. There are moShare buttons for websites, moShare bookmarklet and custom moShare advanced options.

Mogreet claims by enabling mobile sharing across online and mobile properties, publishers have the opportunity to increase the sharing of their content by 25 percent, grow their mobile audience, and drive the highest quality of referral traffic back to their websites and applications.

Consumer and market analysis have shown that the immediacy of mobile sharing, in combination with industry-high open rates, clearly create a favorable option for both consumers and marketers.

Please note messaging and data rates may apply when use the service.

Introduction to moShare from moShare on Vimeo.