Apple & Foxconn Agree to Fair Labor for iPhone, iPad & iPhone Workers

foxconnThe pressure on Apple to improve Foxcon working conditions is working.  The Fair Labor Association released its findings, showing that Foxconn violated FLA code for hours worked, legal limits of overtime per month and health/safety conditions.

The FLA reached an agreement with Foxconn to improve conditions and meet Chinese law and FLA standards by July 2013.

Employees worked more than 60 hours a week on average and many more than seven days in row. Over time hours were not paid fairly.

64 percent of employees say that compensation does not meet their basic needs. FLA will conduct a cost of living study in Shenzhen and Chengdu to assist Foxconn in determining whether worker salaries meet FLA requirements for basic needs, as well as discretionary income.

FLA observed serious issues in areas such as health and safety, worker integration and communication, treatment of interns, and China's social security enrollment, among others.

More than 43 percent of the workers report that they have experienced or witnessed an accident. These accidents range from hand injuries to factory vehicle accidents. Foxconn has committed to be more inclusive of workers in health and safety monitoring and decisions.

Beginning immediately, Foxconn committed to require supervisors and workers to report all accidents resulting in an injury.

Many of Foxconn's health and safety problems, including blocked exits, lack of or faulty personal protective equipment and missing permits, were immediately corrected during the course of the investigation.

The assessment also found that the union at Foxconn is dominated by management representatives and does not provide true worker representation. In keeping with local laws, Foxconn has agreed to ensure elections of worker representatives without management interference.

Foxconn agreed to find alternative ways to address low enrollment in social security benefit programs and to improve its internship program .

In addition to follow up studies related to this first investigation, FLA will verify Apple's and Foxconn's implementation of their remediation plans and will report publicly on progress.