Best Use of Phone Camera So Far in Classrooms in Texas?


When the cell phone camera was first introduced, and analysts told me that a good use of it would be to take a photo of your car where you parked it so that you could find your car in the parking lot when you came back.  After driving through four floors on a parking structure, when I couldn't find my car, I wished I had taken a photo of my parking space.  Today educators in in Texas support a far greater use for a cell phone camera, take photos of misbehaving students.

The United Educators Association in Fort Worth, Texas is encouraging its members to use camera phones to prevent serious issues and deal misbehaving students.

The UEA  claims that the class is public forum therefore there is no expecatation of privacy.

State law also teachers to record for safety and discipline and common areas. Some school district in Texas believe that a classroom is not a common area.  A teacher in Arlington resigned after an incident where she used a camera, that was not even recording a belligerent student as a tool to calm the student down.