Tech Trader Daily reported that the best-selling smartphone at Verizon Wireless is the Droid RAZR MAXX, which goes to show battery size does matter. This could mean a loss of momentum or the smaller smartphone with a smaller battery the iPhone.
Although the iPhone is overall still the best-selling smartphone for North American carriers, William Blair analyst Anil Doradla wrote “our checks highlight initial signs of Apple’s momentum under pressure, particularly at Verizon, which we believe is from the operator aggressively marketing competing 4G devices.”
"While Apple continued to maintain its top position at AT&T and Sprint, Motorola’s Droid RAZR MAXX was the best- selling smartphone at Verizon. Our checks also indicate that at this stage consumers are not pausing in front of the iPhone launch as it is not influencing their purchasing decisions (but we expect it to start impacting over the next couple of months). "
Third spot behind the iPhone at Verizon is the “Galaxy Nexus” unit, according to Doradla’s checks.
Verizon Wireless customers are scrambling to figure out what to do before the carrier moves to shared data only for new contracts. For some it will mean a price increase especially for those who use massive amounts of data. Customers have until the June 28th to decide whether to buy present contractor or sign-up for the newer shared data plans.
These figures support what we have found previously to be the top best smartphones on the Verizon network. We estimate that the Samsung Galaxy S III will take the position of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus once it is launched.
While iPhones are never discounted you can find some pretty good deals for the Droid RAZR MAXX including $99 new customers at