The iPhone 5 is selling at a incredible fast rate with over four million sold in the first weekend. The only smartphone that directly competes with the iPhone 5 is the Samsung Galaxy S III.
In the latest ad, "The Next Big Thing is Already Here, Galaxy S III" makes comparisons between the iPhone 5 vs the Samsung Galaxy S III has created quite a big controversy with the phrase "It doesn't take a genius."
The Android contingent, points out that the Samsung Galaxy S III is superior and iPhone-aholics say the ad is completely iBogacious.
The features that match are 4G LTE, Siri/S Voice and then the specs verge on size and storage. The iPhone 5 has a 4" screen while the Samsung Galaxy S III has a 4.8" screen while the Samsung Galaxy S III has NFC while the iPhone does not, a comparison chart follows.
We find it interesting, in the recent patent trial that Apple proved that many Samsung Galaxy models are so much "like" the iPhone that they infringe upon patents. Meanwhile each contends that they are very different. Is it really like comparing Apples and Oranges? Or it more like comparing two fine wines?
Yes the operating systems and icons are similar. We proved that all icons are alike in a previous article. However, we're at state in smartphone technology that the differences are very subtle. Here's where your own preferences step in. The other major differences are prices with a contract.
You will very seldom see an iPhone discounted more than a few dollars. However the Samsung Galaxy S III is being highly discounted. for a short time has dropped the price for the Samsung Galaxy S3 16GB model in all colors from AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon Wireless to only $99 for new individual and family accounts. The price for the iPhone 5 starts at $199 with a contract.
WiMo News Dare 2 Compare from Ad |
Display |
Retina |
Resolution |
1136x640 |
1280x720HD |
Standby Time |
Up to 225hrs |
Up to 790 hrs |
Talk Time |
Up to 8 hrs |
Up to 11.4 hrs |
Video Recording |
Full HD 1080 |
Full HD 1080 |
1GB |
2GB |
Storage |
Fixed 16, 32 64GB |
Fixed 16 or 32 + up to 64GB microSD |
Plug |
New Lightning Connector |
Standard micro USB |
Weight/Thickness added by WiMo News |
3.95oz - Thinness 7.6mm |
4.7oz Thickness 8.6mm |
The only other comparison could be by reviews. Reviewers raved about the Samsung Galaxy S III. We're waiting to see the reviews for the iPhone 5 which we suspect will be stellar, too. The important thing to remember is now you have more choices than ever before and you can get smartphones that pack computer power and extensive features.
Apple-holics care calling Samsung a bully and making comparisons that don't matter. Whatever side you chose, you have a greater choices than ever before.
In the comparison in the ad, Samsung lists all the Samsung software features including Smart Stay, S-Beam, ShareShot, Group Cast, Direct Call, Smart Alert, Tilt to Zoom, Palm Gestures, Picture in Picture, Turn Over to Mute, Shake to Update and Removable Battery.
We welcome your comments below to voice your opinion of which is better.
Iphone - what a disappointment ( i was a fan and a user ) :- samsung here I come .
" Samsung won this round apple" ?...????
I have an S3 and lordy what an awesome super mini computer.. I mean phone lol. Just brilliant
The iPhone by far has the best overall ecosystem and it it works!
It just works? Why do apps crash all of the time on iOS and why do you need to take extra steps in doing simple tasks? It shouldn't crash apps, or make me dig into the settings just to erase my data, or turn off my wi-fi, etc.
I'm a loser and own an iPhone :'(
In fact, S3 is truly the only phone designed by nature and made for humans. Best so far, please get one ASAP.
I totally agree. What a disappointment for the iPhone 5. I mean really? I just left my iPhone today and am now typing on my new Samsung Galaxy S3. I mean this is a real smart phone. Definitely lives up to its tagline "designed for the human touch". IPhone has no comparison. I never thought I'd leave apple but I did. I am so glad I did. Third article and all the comparisons is the proof in the pudding. Everyone should have a GS3.
Same here Leeane...I was a real fanboy for about 4 years...and then Apple Care and a local Apple Store jerked me around pretty bad, that, combined with the astoundingly good GS3 took me right off the reservation. No more being chained to iTunes, and an Android phone that will do what I want it to, not what Mr Jobs decreed it must do. iPhone 5? They'll sell a lot of them, but within 6 mos or less, it'll all be over.
I own a Samsung Galaxy S3 and just bought the iPhone 5 minutes ago. I can clearly say that the iPhone 5 is the best phone ever ! Just loving how quick and smooth it is. Goodbye Samsung :-/
The GS3 is NOT the only competitor! the HTC One S is much more of a competitor simce it is 4.3" screen and the rest of the hardware and software is almost identical to the GS3.
I purchased every iphone except for the 4S because it was not that big of a difference for me to upgrade knowing the iphone 5 was around the corner. I'm purchasing my Galaxy 3 tomorrow morning at Costco because it went down to $179. today. Lets just say this, the bigger screen, the sleek look and the specs did it for me. The last thing that I will mention is that my wife and daughter upgraded to the iphone 5 upgrade because they like the phone and it make sense for them. There is no question Apple makes a great phone and the ecosystem is great. Last point, I like changes, meaning from the first iphone to the iphone 5 the looks of the software is the same, I need a change and everything that I have read about the Galaxy S3 is exciting. Either phone you choose whether its the iphone or the galaxy 3 are great choices. After many years with the iphone it was time for me to try something else.
I own a galaxy and it's far away better then any Iphone
The major difference is actually whether use iTunes or not. DRM music files from iTunes will transfer to the S3.
My wife upgraded from the iPhone 4 to the GS3, she said it felt like cheap plastic and that she was afraid she would break it at any moment.
I recently upgraded my 3GS to the iPhone 5- I skipped the 4s because I knew the 5 was around the corner.
As for the comparison chart put out by Samsung, it is completely biased (obviously lol)
LITERALLY EVERYTHING, excluding NFC, that the advertisement says the sg3 can do that the iPhone can not do is standard with a good jailbreak.
Another bonus with jailbreaking: the iPhone is no longer tethered to Tunes. Plug the iPhone into any computer, with iTunes or not, and you can click and drag music files to and from the phone at will.
Hi I recently bought the gs3 and it is by far the worst phone ever it feels like crap I feel like if I touch it its going to crack into a million pieces. The iPhone is way better designed and has a sleeker look. The iPhone is simple there's an easy way for everything. I will now have to break my contract and go to the iPhone thanks Samsung.