New iPad rumors are mounting before Tuesday's expected announcement. Here's what we've been able to round-up about the next iPad mini and an even newer new iPad. There are more rumors surrounding the next Nexus 4/7/10/32.
- The smaller iPad is expected to have a 7.85 inch touchscreen and similar specs to the new iPad (3rd generation).
- The mini iPad will have a lighting dock connector and retina display.
- The iPad mini pricing according to 9to5Mac will be$329 with more storage $100 more. 3G/LTE options could add an additional $130 to the price tag of Wi-Fi only models.
- The iPad mini will cost $195-$254 to make.
- Sale date will most likely be in time for the holidays, November 2. Presales may start sooner.
- The iPad mini according to Rob Chira could end the sale of the iPad 2 from Apple.
- It may come loaded with iBooks 3.0.
- The iPad mini will sell like iPads and may or may not put a dent into the much cheaper Kindle Fire and well-reviewed Nexus 7.
Newer New iPad 4th Gen Rumors:
The next iPad, the newer new iPad 4 aka 4th generation iPad will reportedly have a lightning dock connector as seen in a leaked photo, the internal circuitry will be different also. An upgraded process is suspected for the iPad 4.
I like the Nexus 7 better or even the Kindle fire HD, If you are going to be $329 for a small tablet you might as well buy a huge iPad. The only people that a by the iPad mini are Appleholics that are rich and love their iTunes.
I'm ready to preorder as soon as the iPad mini is available. It's not about the price, it works just like the other iPad products.
so any product that works, you buy?
Santa please put an iPad mini in my stocking!
It looks like the folks at FoxConn factories won't have a happy Thanksgiving or Merry Christmas. They may have time to rest later on for Chinese New Year.
I hope the mini finish doesn't stracht as much as the iPhone 5 finish.
Considering Thanksgiving is an American holiday and Christmas is a religious holiday, the only thing surprising here is that someone would actually worry about a lack of celebration by atheistic Chinese of these holidays.
The Nexus 7 and 10 will blow the iPad out of the best zone.
The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 10.1 is a better option, because you can write on it like you do on a piece of paper. if you're going to pay a lot of money for a tablet you minus will get something that works for what you're doing.
What happens when you drop the iPAd mini or iPad 4, does it break like previous models? I'm tired of cleaning up broken glass.
Dont' get any tablet without water proof nano coating a cup of cofee can ruin your whole day.
Give me a 10" tablet for $100, I'll buy. $329 for a secondary device is too much money, especially if it has an Apple logo on it. Apple products get stolen frequently, people lose their fingers. Unless you get insurance, don't get an iPad. Also don't leave your iPad on the table at Starbucks.
Windows 8 tablets are really better for enterprise. It compatible with Windows software. Go for Windows...
No matter what it's called it will sell like crazy...
If the mini is like the regular anything like the regular ipad it's a brick as soon as the battery wears out. Meaning you can't replace the battery, why not go with a tablet that's repairable, such as the Nexus 7?
Ah, the Apple loving, compliant media hands Apple yet more FREE. ADVERTISING! Apple doesn't have to spend a cent on advertising because the Apple fanboys in the media do it for them, gratis. As for those "leaks" we're always hearing about from the Apple "supply chain" is nothing but Apple whispering in someone's ear when, and what to "leak" to build excitement, and Garner more of that free advertising! All these tablets are, are just fancy overpriced toys that have huge margins for Apple.Apple knows that people will sell their souls to buy more of their crap to be hip, and show how "intelligent" they are! Ha!!! Hey, Apple loving, Jobs worshipping fanboys, don't forget your pencil sharpeners when you buy those iPad minis!