We finally have confirmation on the latest deals from Boost and Virgin Mobile for Cyber Monday and beyond.
We've found out what kinds of Cyber Monday deals for Cyber Monday and Cyber Week. They are almost as good as the Black Friday deals with some just for Monday only.
Virgin Mobile
- Cyber Monday - $100 off the HTC One
- Starting Tuesday, November 27th, Virgin Mobile is offering $50 off the Samsung Galaxy Reverb and the HTC Evo V through Tuesday, December 3rd and $20 off the Kyocera Rise™, $35 off the LG Optimus Slider, $80 off the Motorola Triumph, and the LG Optimus Elite will be available for $99.99 through Sunday, December 16th.
Boost Mobile
- Cyber Monday - 25% off select phones and $70 off the Samsung Galaxy S II 4G. The HTC EVO Design 4G is 25% off making it $187.49.
- Tuesday, November 27- Boost Mobile will be offering $20 off select phones(Kyocera , $30 off the Warp, $50 off the LG Marquee, Samsung Transform Ultra and HTC Evo Design 4G( promo code HAPPYHOLIDEALS) and 3 select Android phones under $100. Unlimited talk and text will be starting at $45 per month.
Read Best of Cyber Monday Deals.
I'm exhausted from clicking and buying so much. Thanks for the research.