Verizon Wireless reported record earnings for almost every product including new customers, iPhones and Android smartphones which the company attributes to the Share Everything Data plans. The most activated smartphone was iPhone with 62.24% of new activations made by Apple. Meanwhile in general, iPhone 5 demand seems to waning in other reports.
Here are some of the impressive stats:
- 90% of Verizon Wireless contract subscribers use smartphones.
- 87 percent of the carrier's postpaid sales were smartphones.
- 23.3% of cusomters now have LTE capable device,.
- Total subscriber growth was 2.24 million with a total of 98.2 subscribers.
- Average revenue per month is $146.80.
- Verizon's 9.8 million new smartphone activations of which 6.2 million were iPhones.
- Revenue increased by 5.7% in Q4 and wirles sales gre 9.5%
- A record $30 Billion in revenue but had a loss due to $135 Million in Sandy costs. The total loss was $1.83 Billion
In order to get a subsidized smartphone, Verizon customers must sign up for the Share Everything Plan which als contributed to added revie as more customers add devices and use more datat and move up data tiers.
See how to keep your Verizon Wireless unlimited data. Buy Verizon Wireless Plan or iPhone.