Once upon a time, if AT&T changed its fees, you could get out of your contract without an Early Termination Fee, as was the case when they increased the fee for text messages. AT&T added a .61 "administration fee," earlier this month, which allowed some complaining AT&T users to get out of their contracts with paying an ETF.
Because of the terms of the contracts, some users were able end their contracts without paying an Early Termination Fee. They were not able, however, to keep their phone numbers. Meanwhile, here's how it has been working for some persistent complainers who were able to get out of their AT&T contracts without paying a ETF or received credits.
AT&T's legal terms state (Section 1.3), the company can change rates, fees, and terms and conditions at any time. However, any increase in the cost of your service, aside from government fees, allows you to escape an ETF when terminating your contract.
On May 23 a Slick Deals forum member cited the terms and was released from his contract.
He noted that you couldn't do if via chat, he was able to do it through the retention department. He persisted stating that the fee was not government mandated.
When you call you have to state ""Hi, I was reviewing my bill and I saw that you are introducing a new fee which is not part of the original contract. I'd like to cancel my contract at this time as I don't agree with this new fee and due to the change in the terms, I feel the ETF should be waived."
Many reported that AT&T offered credits such as $10-$30 a month for three months to keep the customers. Some people who have tried to terminate are getting credits for early upgrades. Some have gotten just the .61 fee per month removed from their bills.
Someone who contacted the Better Business Bureau noted, "Got a call from AT&T attorney today regarding my dispute. I have to sign a non disclosure agreement before we proceed with settlement talk. So I can't reveal anything to SD about my settlement."
One reported that yesterday "I got 2 of my lines cancelled with no ETF. Just kept calling back until I got someone who can read."
While someone else reported "Escalated to supervisor, he listened patiently, said it is an administrative fee, not service fee, no credits available unfortunately. This took about 30 minutes. Will try again tomorrow, hopefully with someone who is giving away these supposed credits and upgrades."
The whole thing is very tricky but if you want out of your contract with out an ETF the another way is to try Arbitration
Some resorted to requesting Arbitration, for which the poster claims that you will win and AT&T will have to pay the Arbitration fees. The fee to file for Arbitration is $125 which AT&T will have to pay if they lose. You have 100 days to dispute the fee from when your received the notice about the fee that started May 23.
Others have filed complaints with the FCC. Let us know if you have have been able to leave your contract using this or any other methods without paying an ETF.