Latest GS 4 & Nokia Ads Add New Meaning to iPhone 5 Old-Fartness

The latest round of let's pick on iPhone 5 commercials, stereotype iPhone owners as old-farts and the advertised smartphone models as being cooler and better. The battle between the Samsung Galaxy S 4 and iPhone is bashed by Nokia and Windows Phone.(videos follow)

The latest Samsung Galaxy S 4 commercial called "Graduation" uses barbecue ribs in ribbing the  iPhone 5 for what it lacks showing Samsung Air Gestures. It also takes pot shots demonstrating Drama Shot, Smartshare/S Beam, and Air View. The Samsung Galaxy S 4 is even given a cool name GS 4, as it is called by Scott.iphoneoldfarts vs SG 4Scott, at his graduation party with his hands covered with barbecue sauce and gals in bikinis with wet hands can answer and operate their GS 4 without touching the phone.  Scott also operates the TV inside the house.

The middle-aged and white-haired folks who have iPhones are made to look really stupid. The Father is told that he can use Easy Mode if he decides to switch to the GS 4.

There are other smart parents who are shown using the eraser shot on a Samsung Galaxy S 4, to erase a graduate who flashes the audience in swim trunks.  A young on-looker is amazed and says it's cool.  The mother says to her husband "Do you hear that, I'm cool?"

The Nokia Lumia takes a jab at both Samsung and iPhone at a wedding. The Lumia 920 is great camera phone for the regular people (the wait staff)  The older lady is asked, "Aren't you a little young to have an iPhone?" A fight ensues. The commercial directed by Roman Coppola takes physical and verbal jabs at both Samsung and Apple.

We wonder why AARP  hasn't complained at the portrayal of older-folks ,as blithering idiots.  We've seen numerous middle-aged and even senior citizens who can use a Samsung Galaxy, but then we are dealing in stereotypes and not reality.

Currently the most expensive model is the Samsung Galaxy S 4, followed by the iPhone 5 and Nokia Lumia 920.  We ask our readers do these commercials motivate you to buy any of the models?