Nextel iDen Done with Push-to-Talk - June 30, 2013

Sprint will shut down the iDEN Nextel National Network June 30 with the lat day of service on June 29.  On June 30, Sprint iDEN customers won't be able to make emergency phone calls or any kind of call or  use any kind of data service.

Sprint stated it has been notifying customers to migrate from the iDEN Nextel National Network to avoid service disruptions. Nextel iDEN Gone

The notifications have included customer letters, legal notifications, and email reminders. Sprint added iDEN shutdown reminder text messages and will use other communications tactics during the network’s final days of operation.

For those who like push-to-talk,  you can migrate to Sprint Direct Connect that has three times the push-to-talk coverage compared to iDEN, international direct connect reach to Latin American countries, and 3G broadband data capabilities.

The last full day of iDEN service will be June 29; shutdown begins first thing Sunday, June 30, and will continue throughout the day. iDEN devices will then no longer receive voice service – including 911 calls – or data service. Sprint will shut down switch locations in rapid succession on June 30, followed by powering down equipment and eliminating backhaul at each cell site.

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