What are the best selling smarpthones in the world and U.S. today? If you use tools on carrier websites and online retailers you can see what smartphones are the best sellers and maybe why.
The QWERTY is not dead in France, French wireless service , SFR shows that the BlackBerry Q10 is the best best selling smartphone on its network. The BlackBerry Q10 is oustelling theSamsung Galaxy S4, HTC One, Nokia Lumia 520 and iPhone5, when you sort by top selling smartphone. SFR has over 21 million customers and is the second largest carrier in France. What sorts of information can we get from sorting through online smartphone deals?U.S. Carriers don't have the option to sort by best sellers, but sometimes prices, promotions and deals lead to the best sales.
We surveyed the top carriers' home pages and these are the smarpthones they were promoting.

Verizon Wireless Homepage Promotes: Droid RAZR M, Smasung Galaxy S4 and a Free Droid RAZR M.
Verizon Wireless Best Sellers Are All Offered for Free:
- DROID RAZR M in White (FREE).
- Droid Incredible 4G (HTC),FREE from Verizon Wireless
The AT&T HomepagePromotes: Samsung Galaxy S4, Free Phones, HTC First, LG Optimus G Pro. Smartphones are sorted by featured, or reviews, not sales: Featured GS 4, iPhone 5, HTC First, HTC One, LG Optimus Pro.
The T-Mobile Homepage Promotes: iPhone 5, Galaxy S II, Galaxy S 4 and Un-Carrier, followed by HTC One, BlackBerry Q10 (Available June)It will be interesting to see what happens on May 30 when iPhone 4 will be free with a contract.
The Sprint Homepage Promotes; SG 4, iPad trade-in, friend referral, iPhone 5 and Spotify on GS 4. The Smartphone page promotes the $100 discount for transferring your number. Smartphones highlighted are the Samsung Galaxy S 4, HTC One, iPhone 5 ,Pre-owned, Samsung Galaxy S III.
Amazon Best Sellers
Shows its Bestsellers for Cell Phones with Service the Following:
- Samsung Galaxy S 4 (Black) VZW discounted to Verizon as low as $179.99
$179.99 with a contract.
- Samsung Galaxy S 4 (White) VZWVerizon as low as $179.99
- Droid RAZR Maxx HD Droid RAZR MAXX HD
- Galaxy S IIII Verizon as low as one cent
- Droid DNA $19.99
with a contract
- Samsung Galaxy S III VZW one cent
- HTC One Sprint $79.99
- Galaxy Note II Sprint $69.99
- Samsung Galaxy S III Verizon as low as one cent
- Galaxy Note II Verizon as low as $79.99
A major factor in best sellers, especially for Verizon Wireless and Amazon is the pricing. Buyers are looking for the best deals in the United States. Amazon only offers deals on Verizon and Sprint plans and discounts the intial price for the smartphone. For example Verizon Wireless is still showing the price for the GS 4 as $199.99 after a $50 mail-in rebate.
Online retailer Wirefly does not sort by best selling device, but does sort by carrier. Another best sellers is the Nexus 4 from the Google Play Store, because that is the only smartphone model that Google sells directly.
There are also deals hidden within websites say if you know the know the right code New Nokia Lumia 928, just $49.99 enter promo VZWDEAL, discount shows at checkout!