The top stories today that were too short to report include testing of the GS 4 & HTC One, HTC One News, Galaxy S III updates, Waze and developers.
- CNET UK tested the ruggedness of the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S 4 to find that the GS 4 survived the water test longer and was able to come back to life after placed in a dry-out box, both survived keys/sandpaper scratch, iPhone 5 didn't make it after being dropped, while the GS 4 survived better, test.while both could not survive being run over by a truck. Several years ago cheap prepaid AT&T phone was run over by a compact car and it continued to work fine with a few lost pixels.
- The HTC One is rumored to come in a smaller size the HTC One mini aka HTC M4, is expected to have 4.3' screen with the same-style aluminum body. The HTC One offers the same LTE speeds as the GS 4 and will be coming from Verizon on June 26, possibly with AWS.
- The HTC One won the best smartphone award at Computex as the hottest smartphone HTC Tweeted ""Last night we won the 'Hottest phone of 2013' at the Mobile Awards #HTCOne Ouch @SamsungMobileUK."
- The HTC One will be coming to C Spire in the near future. Read top reasons to buy the HTC One.
- Google announced today that it bought Waze, the traffic social crowd-sourced sharing app to find a better faster way home.
- The Nokia Lumia 520 has doubled its global market share in the last month. Meanwhile, the the Lumia 521
from Walmart continues to be sold-out at $129.88 which is much cheaper than the iPhone 5.
- Verizon released a new Verizon FiOS app for Android to let users watch up to 75 channels of Live TV at home, manage your DVRs remotely as well as browse and watch FiOS video-on-demand (VOD) anywhere you want.
- VisionMobile reported that Android developer mindshare was at 73% as opposed to iOS at 56%.
- The Android 4.2.2 update for the Samsung Galaxy S III and Note II has been reportedly delayed due to a new TouchWhiz interface.
- Jon Rubenstein in an interview at FierceWireless reminds us how many features of the Palm Pre's webOS are now being developed for iOS and Android, especially the concept of Synergy.
- Apple reported that there have been over 600 million iOS devices sold.