Top Best: Verizon Unlimited, iPad 5/mini, SG Note 3, iPhone, HTC One, BB & SG S III mini

TopTen BEST read newsWireless NewsThis has been a big week.  The government shut down while tech news sources ignored it, except for us.  Releases, leaked specs and tips continued throughout the week surrounding a Verizon glitch, the next iPads, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, iPhone unlocking, gov't shutdown, stats and more lawsuits.

Verizon unlimited plan holders had a brief window over last weekend that let grandfathered unlimited Verizon plan holder to buy cheap subsidized phones.  Verizon on Monday in an official statement said that they would honor the sales that went through.

There are speculations as to what the iPad mini 2 and  iPad 5 will be like and if they will be delayed due to supply shortages.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 3: is being released and Samsung offered a new video.

The favorite of readers is how to unlock iPhone 4S/5 AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon & Sprint, legally .

We showed how the government shut down could stall iPad/Nexus 5, or other devices because the FCC is closed.

In the United States,  Android ruled U.S. and the  iPhone increased T-Mobile smartphones .

Companies that provided free cell phones for low-income households were fined for not checking and fraud.

The  HTC One Android 4.3 update for Sprint was released  with some issues.

The Samsung Galaxy S III Goes mini  went on sale at AT&T.

In the midst of going private BlackBerry announced the  BlackBery Z30 and  BB OS 10.2 update for October.

We wish our friends that work for the government can get back to work soon.